Time to Time, the corporate world does emerge with a strategy to reach out to the society, to reach out to the billions of people they are serving, to reach out to the masses. India Poised !.. a campaign by the Times of India Group, according to me, is such an initiative. It has got people talking.... it just trying to say things, that all of us knows, talk everyday, crib, gossip, but never ever try to come up with a solution. This post is dedicated to a simple analysis of the whole campaign, and a learning that can be extracted by the youth of today.
Again, i have given the youtube link of the Amitabh Bachchan Video of the India Poised Campaign, watch it,... and here are the words...
There are two Indias in this countryAgain, i have given the youtube link of the Amitabh Bachchan Video of the India Poised Campaign, watch it,... and here are the words...
One India is straining at the leash, eager to spring forth and live up to all the
adjectives that the world has been showering recently upon us.
The other India is the leash.
One India says, give me a chance and I'll prove myself. The other India says,
prove yourself and maybe then you'll have a chance.
One India lives in the optimism of our hearts. The other India lurks
in the skepticism of your minds One India wants. The other India hopes. One India leads. The other India follows.
But conversions are on the rise. With each passing day more
and more people people for the otherIndia have been coming over to this side.
And quietly, while the world is not looking, a pulsating, dynamic
new India is emerging.
An India whose faith in success is far greater than its fear in failure.
an India that no longer boycotts foreign-made goods but buys out the
companies that make them instead.
History, they say, is a bad motorist. It rarely ever signals its intentions
when it is making a turn.
This is that rarely-ever moment. History is turning a page.
For more than half a century, our nation has sprung, stumbled, run. fallen, rolled over, got up, dusted herself and cantered, sometimes lurched on
But today, as we begin out 60th year as a free nation, the ride has brought
us to the edge of time's great precipice.
And one India- a tiny little voice at the back of the head- is looking down
at the bottom of the ravine and hesitating.
The other India is looking up at the sky and saying, it's time to fly. .
Some words of inspiration, motivation, patriotism, self belief, and dignity. Some words of looking into the face of reality, frustration, hope, dreams, aspirations, following, leading, etc etc.
Some of the words and phrases in the anthem of India Poised, are things we think everyday.... a lot of us plead for chances to prove ourselves, we need opportunities, we hope to win... we hope to succeed...while some of us, create our own opportunities, create them, have a hunger to win and succeed, and lead others to the same path...
i believe that this campaign truly represents the New Age Indian, times are changing rapidly and we will always have a double mind inside us... one which is always urging us to create the way and lead others into the light.. while another restricting us... and reminding us not to take untoward risks.. and following the success paths of others....
whatever be the case.. India as a country, and we as citizens, have come a long way since 60 years.. and have a longer way to go.... as they say.. sky is the limit.. and we are just learning to fly...
i am not here to give political statements, on whats good, or whats bad... in india, but this INDIA POISED campaign should be looked from the viewpoint of a challenge to every individual, to maximise their efforts, intellect, visions and ability, to make sure in the years to come, we live with dignity, prosperity and freedom... in a Balanced Developed India... the India of our dreams
Vande Mataram
Some of the words and phrases in the anthem of India Poised, are things we think everyday.... a lot of us plead for chances to prove ourselves, we need opportunities, we hope to win... we hope to succeed...while some of us, create our own opportunities, create them, have a hunger to win and succeed, and lead others to the same path...
i believe that this campaign truly represents the New Age Indian, times are changing rapidly and we will always have a double mind inside us... one which is always urging us to create the way and lead others into the light.. while another restricting us... and reminding us not to take untoward risks.. and following the success paths of others....
whatever be the case.. India as a country, and we as citizens, have come a long way since 60 years.. and have a longer way to go.... as they say.. sky is the limit.. and we are just learning to fly...
i am not here to give political statements, on whats good, or whats bad... in india, but this INDIA POISED campaign should be looked from the viewpoint of a challenge to every individual, to maximise their efforts, intellect, visions and ability, to make sure in the years to come, we live with dignity, prosperity and freedom... in a Balanced Developed India... the India of our dreams
Vande Mataram
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