Yea, it felt like decades after which i was dancing on stage again !!.. yea.. dancing.. one of my oldest and most cherished hobbies...
well. if you look at my structure rite now.. u mite jus wonder hw this fat ass can dance .. and that also quite well.. but u kno what.. looks are always deceptive !!...
This time was XAVOTSAV, me and my sweet little partner Aditi, danced to the tunes of Love, in the event Nach Baliye. The song was pehla nasha.....
When we got the concept of love is in the air,, both of us were clueless on what to do,.. wher to start from... which song, what concept... and what STEPS !!... cos both of us are not that great at dancing.. jus decent.. and for me.. i had not danced on stage since 2.5 years !!.. so it was a comeback for me..... and i took it as a challenge.. and the best part was.. my so called busy schedule was gettin into my head.. and i seriously wanted to freak out !!.. and get that charm of being on stage back !!..
I mus say we put in a lot of effort.. hours and hours of practise with Ms Shilpa Jain, Swati Poddar, Sudipto 'hero' dey always there to make us dance and give their creative constructive and criticising inputs !!... i wud never forget those random chai and 'gatthiya' eating sessions we all had... the practise for the event was simply a rockin time.. and we had a ball !!
coming back to the dance.. a slow romantic theme of Love is in the air.. and the remixed version of Pehla Nasha... actually 'aroused' my inner love feelin all over again.. it jus felt that i wanted to be in love.. all over again.. and the song was so so meaning full !!... we just got the hang of it by the end. and the song and steps went into our cells !!... it was just impromptu by the end day !!..
we performed brilliantly on the D Day and everyone appreciated us.... we are being termed as the love birds.. and our dance created an atmosphere of Love all around SXC audi... no mistakes... perfect natural expressions.. confidence !!... love.. it was everything in those 4.5 minutes..
whateva the result.. we all had a ball preparing for this. and i was tooooo kicked on gettin back to stage... where i belong.. (or do it.. hehe)...
In the end.. i would like to thank Shilpa and Swati for being the most supportive and persistent choreographers u cud have.... Mr Dey for always being there and givin his inputs.. and dancing sometimes... and last but by no ways the least.. my partner aditi.. u were superb... and sorry for all my leg pullings and mistakes.. and callin u swati at times.. hehe
Cheers and have a great week ahead
Saturday, January 27, 2007
On the dance floor... one more time !!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
the year of india?? India Vs India... lets wait and watch !!

Again, i have given the youtube link of the Amitabh Bachchan Video of the India Poised Campaign, watch it,... and here are the words...
One India is straining at the leash, eager to spring forth and live up to all the
adjectives that the world has been showering recently upon us.
The other India is the leash.
One India says, give me a chance and I'll prove myself. The other India says,
prove yourself and maybe then you'll have a chance.
One India lives in the optimism of our hearts. The other India lurks
in the skepticism of your minds One India wants. The other India hopes. One India leads. The other India follows.
But conversions are on the rise. With each passing day more
and more people people for the otherIndia have been coming over to this side.
And quietly, while the world is not looking, a pulsating, dynamic
new India is emerging.
An India whose faith in success is far greater than its fear in failure.
an India that no longer boycotts foreign-made goods but buys out the
companies that make them instead.
History, they say, is a bad motorist. It rarely ever signals its intentions
when it is making a turn.
This is that rarely-ever moment. History is turning a page.
For more than half a century, our nation has sprung, stumbled, run. fallen, rolled over, got up, dusted herself and cantered, sometimes lurched on
But today, as we begin out 60th year as a free nation, the ride has brought
us to the edge of time's great precipice.
And one India- a tiny little voice at the back of the head- is looking down
at the bottom of the ravine and hesitating.
The other India is looking up at the sky and saying, it's time to fly. .
Some of the words and phrases in the anthem of India Poised, are things we think everyday.... a lot of us plead for chances to prove ourselves, we need opportunities, we hope to win... we hope to succeed...while some of us, create our own opportunities, create them, have a hunger to win and succeed, and lead others to the same path...
i believe that this campaign truly represents the New Age Indian, times are changing rapidly and we will always have a double mind inside us... one which is always urging us to create the way and lead others into the light.. while another restricting us... and reminding us not to take untoward risks.. and following the success paths of others....
whatever be the case.. India as a country, and we as citizens, have come a long way since 60 years.. and have a longer way to go.... as they say.. sky is the limit.. and we are just learning to fly...
i am not here to give political statements, on whats good, or whats bad... in india, but this INDIA POISED campaign should be looked from the viewpoint of a challenge to every individual, to maximise their efforts, intellect, visions and ability, to make sure in the years to come, we live with dignity, prosperity and freedom... in a Balanced Developed India... the India of our dreams
Vande Mataram
the questions begin.... again !!... (KBC @ srk)
Last night, millions of people across india vitnessed the rebirth yet again of one of the greatest TV shows of India : KAUN BANEGA CROREPATI (adaptation of " who wants to be a millionaire"), with a new host and dost - Shahrukh Khan !!'
When KBC Started around 3 years back , it was a revival of sorts for the then host :Amitabh Bachchan... and the same for STAR PLUS the media house. From a management prospective.. the channel wasnt the top viewed channel in India, and they had to do something BIG to get right up there.. and KBC was the answer
It was a perfect case of thinking BIG and thinking out of the box (daring to adapt a successful show.. and roping in Ambitabh Bachchan..). Big B at that time wasnt on the peak of his career and nor was star plus... but here is a classic example of how two struggling entities can synergise and create history.
Anyways.... Best wishes to Mr SRK and KBC for this year..... and the first thing i liked about the new KBC is the relaunch video !.. its damn cool ..
Watch it .. right here. !!
Enjoy !
Sunday, January 21, 2007
one of the best speeches.. watch it.. and hear it ..
The following is one of the best and meaningful speeches that i have come across... its all about.. motivation... team.. leadership.. passion.. commitment.. and how to lead and live a life...
cos life is a game of inches... the guy who is willing to die.. will win that inch !!
watch it here.... AL PACINO speech in the movie.. Any Given Sunday... :-
the search for greener pastures is still on....
"the grass is always greener on the other side..."
"Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong" . murphy's law
i think any 21 year old, who wants to launch into a career.. which will make him/her independent... will always connect to the two quotations written above....its a dream for almost everyone to be very successfull in life.. and to have a brilliant career with a lot of cash, fame, and name !!... (except those who already have the three... hehe)... and every big battle needs to start with the first act of fight !!...
my tryst with career (if i may say so), began last year when i decided to appear for the entrance examinations for MBA in India, CAT, XAT, NMAT, IIFT, FMS etc etc...... with a dream of getting a call from premier institutes, and converting it eventually (like every 2nd person who sits for these)...
I guess i choose the right path (considering 2 lac people in india did the same), but the vehicle was not right... i was never determined to slog and work hard for it... nor did i study... strategise.. plan.. nothin.. jus went with the flow.. attending random classes at erudite... and tryin to show to ppl.. the attitude of " so what if i don study..i will crack it "... which works sometimes !!
i gave my last exam toda of FMS, and confident of not cracking it.. though it was the best exam i gave, but then realising ppl all over india hav done better than me (still fingers are crossed), and when i look back, i would say this has been one of the biggest failures of my life... blowing away around 30 Thousand of my dads hard earned cash....
i am still not that clear on why to do an mba rite now.. mayb for the proffesional expereince.. a tag... degree.. network it offers.. the work ex after that.. expereince.. skills.. competence.. yeah.. good enough reasons.. but.. only if i would have taken it seriously .. i would have saved my face among a lot of ppl.. but.. as i mentioned.. the grass is still not green here...
but... life moves on..
and i am made to believe that anything that happens happen for GOOD... and there are better things which await me !!.....
i am starting to get some decent offers thru AIESEC Internships abroad.. so lets hope for the best.. to have the best proffesional AIESEC Expereince abroad... and.. i would definately try for campus placements and AIESEC Talent Partner options are still open..
I feel very happy for my two good buddies.. Anuj and Sudipto who got XLRI calls.. i pray they convert.. and will help them a lot.. and learn myself too (there is a selfish motive u see
but.. its high time for some goood deeeeep introspection.. and to get the career mode switched on again.. and get it kickstarted...
" long way to go before i sleep"
cheers and have a great week
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
In 4th gear.... gettin ready for the 5th !!
The most common thing which I hear from everyone around me is " hello Mr Busy.. u dont have time for us !! "
and.. time is just like a beautiful girl..... the more you desire her..... the further she would run from you....
to be very humble and not to be boasting.... the last few months, have been like driving a shatabdi express !!... a lot of things to do.... a lot of speed.. and so less time... and thats what i like best... cos an idle mind.. is a devils paradise !
to mention about my recent endeavours ... as usuall AIESEC is keeping me working hard and hard as always... and I really feel like the time when i was just new to the organisation.. full of vigour.. passion.. enthusiasm.. cos.. its my last month here.. and i wanna give everythin my best shot... provide as much value add as i could.. cos after 18th feb.. i wont have the option in life to do that directly... !!.. so all my energies are now chanelised to YUVA and Recruitment... whateva i can do.. !!.. and not ot forget TRANSITIONS>.. the time when i transfer my knowledge.. resources... experience.. strategies.. to gargi.. my successor as vphr.. i really hope she does a fantastic job this year !!
second is as mentioned.. .XMC... to be really frank.. i was never gonna take up this project in college.. i was against a fest.. and had never organised one... but somehow ... somewhere i got a spark and insipiration to do something BIG in my last year in college.. and i took the plunge!!... and it is now enterin the blood !!.. and the team : xecuters would make sure it is the biggest undergraduate convention of kolkata !!..
third is my internship project at ERUDITE>.. i did this detailed marketing survey and now am preparing the report on the same. and need to submit it asap !!... but.. squeezin time for it is bcomin tougher day by day.. because of random appointments to rediffusion for the ad of YUVA... Transitions with gargi... college.. xmc...hehe
but whteva anyone says... i am luvin it... i am proud that 3 years of my college has not gone to waste attending tutions.. givin stupid extra courses.. or stayin at home ... i did somethin.. which will definately add value !!
Monday, January 15, 2007
" Managing Conflicts !! "
Well, a conflict is anything from a difference of opinion, ideologies, vision, ambition, intellect, knowledge etc etc.... and its the best learning expereince of any team according to me !
Last few months have been an exciting time, where 'we' have been a part of many inter personal and inter group conflicts in various teams (wud not like to reveal names :) ) and the whole challenge is to come out of it for the larger objective or keep fighting for your ego !!
I guess the biggest thing a conflict does in a person is it challenges his inner conscious to prove his ideology / point and make him work towards fulfilling the goal. OR it may just motivate someone to destroy the other person / group by attacking them and in the process the higher objective would definately be lost !!
Anyways.. enough of gyaan and theory... to me.. conflicts have always been interesting and motivating.. as i tend to loose direction sometimes, and conflicts / aggression gets me back on track !!... to prove that i still have the fire to perform !!... and that never say die spirit !!.
if anythin adds a value to a process / group it should be encouraged.. either it be a handshake or a war of words !!
on that note
cheers !!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
'the boulevard of creativity !...
'creativity is the state of mind, when you dont think... you just visualise 'different' things and have a good 'hand - mind' coordination !! '
whateva that meant to anyone.... i think people who are really creative and innovative need not always think out of the box, flashy, unconventional or colourful !!... creativity can come in a lot of forms and shapes.. and sometimes the most simplest and different things can be called creative !!...
i belong to this genre of " people with marketing in their blood" type !!... finances have never ever gone into my head.. and i am havin a ball studyin marketin as a specialisation in my final year of graduation ! !... atleast that creative side of me (howeva good or bad it mite be.. can be fully utilised.. and i can discover my hidden potentials !!..hehe)..
Last week was an amazing expereince of sitting at a rediffusion office and givin a creative brief to someone in the ad agency for AIESEC. I was just observin how that guy was observin and consumin all my blabbering.. and tryin to create a visual out of it !!>.. damn interestin !!..
well this post will be an attempt by me to put together some of the advertising creative works i have come across.... and a youtube video that i had uploaded... !!
1. Pepsi Vs Coke..(the killer !!)... when i saw this mail sent by Yousuf.. I was fascinated and overjoyed for 5 mins.. this is what you call aggresion and creativity at its best.. it may be false or smthin.. but who cares.. its a treat fot the marketing mind !!... here it goes:
Take a look at this hoarding by Pepsi. > > >This building is on TTK Road , Chennai.
Coca Cola has taken 2nd floor for their sales & marketing office and
recently fixed a board.
Two days later Pepsi put up a board in the same building where they
have no retail outlet...........
And this is how you have to market a product!!!
2. The 'Xecutive Launch !!'
This will be one of the closest things to my heart.. the magazine launch of our department... we had worked very hard for it... however bad printin quality it came out because of the carelessness of the printer... but we gave our best shot.. and this video was a dedication to the entire team who dreamt.. and made it possible !!... and await XMC !!... its becomin bigger !!...
3, Some other rocking ad designs... jus for your eyes !! :
thats about it for today !!.
" in the maths of life.... a + is = solution to the problem..... so always + !!" (read.. positive attitude)
Friday, January 12, 2007
One Journey is coming to an end.. another begins... !!
" life is a lesson of Journeys... expereinces... achievements.. failures and is truly a lesson.. one which you only learn when you are through !!.."
This is the second time, I am starting to write a Blog, people know me as a very techie person, a netizen.. but its been a surprise to myself that i have not ever started writing a blog !!..
Actually i ve never had the habit of writing... but.. now i feel is the time to create new things... and embark on a different journey of rediscoverin myself !!
Well.. this openin post will be a short one... its been 2.5 years since ive been a part of AIESEC.. and this is the last month of my presence in the org.. i have explored a lot in myself durin this tenure.. learned.. falied.. achieved.. made frens which would be with me fr life.. and have had a wonderful proffesional expereince.. but now its time to move on in life.. and to make a value add to my career and to that of others !!
More about my aiesec xpereince in next blogs.. wait for the agm day.!.. all da emotions would come out..
hmmm.. thats the journey which is coming to an end...
but now.. for the new begining...
The urgent thing on hand is XMC 2007, the first management convention of xaviers bba which i am so deeply involved with... we have really seen big dreams.. and we will achieve it.. and i bein the corporate and ER guy.. do hope to contribute a lot to the convention... more on this also as life goes on.....
and theres my international internship coming up.. i really hope this new breed of aiesecers send me to a nice place :)
till then.. till i visit this place next...
" if something ever bothers you... u feel lost and alone.. look inside you.. u will find a voice. which is YOU.. talk to yourself.. and experience.. the change, warmth.. and positive energy that would generate... its a new start.. get set go !"