Wednesday, August 20, 2008

3 Stories: Steve Jobs' best speech

Brilliant Speech by Steve Jobs at Stanford Graduating Ceremony.

For those who have NOT seen this, on 3 stories he needs to tell in life and his learnings:

1. Connecting the Dots: Of how he dropped out of college, did what he wanted to do, and then it helped him later in life. Its true when he says, " you can only connect the dots backwards". A lot of us ask questions like - "how would this help me in my career / life later?" well, most of us just guess the answer but can only realise later on in life, that a lot of things that happened are not planned, it just happens as a result of things you did before, but never anticipated it to happen!

2. Love and Loss: Of how he was FIRED out of Apple!. The company he started! and how he regenerated. Of how one needs to be positive of things that happened and for what will happened. "Never Settle!"

3. Death: Live each day, as it was your last! Do what you would do if it was your LAST day in life.

Hope you enjoy it!



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