Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pleasure.... in my hand !!


As promised.. this is the chhoo cchweeet post of mine...

Introducing to you (and not boasting at all).. my cutest and newest possession....
the stuff that puts pleasure to your brain, hand, and every
part of your body..

The APPLE IPOD - Shuffle !!

trust me people.. this cute little stuff is so cute,. and thin.. its an amazing stuff to carry !!.. and show off :).. hehe

This is a 1gb shuffle.... and comes at a good price of arond 5.2 - 5.4 K... and its damn nice.. the sound quality lives upto the Ipod standard.. and wht else do u need.. it can store enough songs fr u to survive fr 3 - 4 days.. or more... and its better than carrying a huge, video or the normal ipod tht costs a lot more !!... this guy at the airport was listenin to a video ipod.. the huge one.. and he got a complex when he saw me listenin to this cutie pie :)..

anyways.. so now my travel schedules will be filled with a lot of pleasure.. pleasure of music and apple !!



1 comment:

Varun Pachisia said...

firstly congrats on your newwest "cuttie pie" possession.....btw i really like da luk i thought it wud b the dirty blue.......but its stlyish,shall giv my final verdict wen i c it live real time......hehe......I'm sure not many girls wud get jealous of "sweetie pie"...cuz they still luv u.........hehe.......btw i still think dnt comment on whether its better than a bigger or video i pod.......trsut me the video i pod rocks.......n if da guy in the airport dosent like it nemore.............then jus take it frm him n giv it to me.....i can do with two............tc........:)