Hey Guys
Came across this nice interview from Shashi Sethi, Product Manager at Google and voted the Best NRI by HT.
It has good insights on Entrepreneurship and Start Ups
Do read
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Nice Interview on Start Ups and more : Shashi Seth
Friday, April 27, 2007
tHe Power of Ads - amazing creations | amazing Collections - Part ii
Some more AMAZING ads :
Nike - keep Running - reincarnate - one of the most inspiring ads - have a look yourself
Adidas - again - impossible is nothing - overcoming obstacles !!
Honda - The Ultimate and perfect ad i have ever ever seen... un beatable !!
Thats it !!
Will come up with more such postings... do comment if you like then !!
tHe Power of Ads - amazing creations | amazing Collections !
Advertising to me is this wonderful way of communicating thoughts, ideas, values and moments in life and giving it a shape of a brand and making people rejoice and consider the option of expereincing the product. No one can ever undermine the Power of Advertising in the world, as ads can make or break brands, companies, products etc.
It takes a whole lot of gut feeling, creative genius, out of the box thinking, and sometimes, simple logic, values, life in general to come up with an ad. Imaging telling someone about a whole company, product or service in 30 - 50 seconds flat.. and that also can create a wonderful story of life in motion and simple and creative ideologies.
Here is a small collection of amazing ads, stright from Youtube ( i hope the owners dont mind me putting it here), do comment if you like them :), its an honest effort to organise the best ones...
Honda - Impossible Dream - one of the best Honda Ads - made in UK
Toyota - an awesome ad communicating the Human Side of how things work in a machine !!...
The Adidas Team Ad - Signifying the true sense of Impossible is nothing !!
Amora Hot Ketchup Ad - Unique way of communication about the attribute of the product... beware !!
The Lynx Ad - This is the one for the boys :)... the future of 'air travel'... tooo good
Careerbuilder.com - the cutest and funniest Job Portal ad you would see. !!
McDonalds - Inner Child - beautifully brings out the message that everyone has a child inside !!
Cannes 2006 - Grand Prix Ad - Guinness
Hey Guys
Went to the Advertising Club Calcutta's event where they screened Ads from the Cannes lions 2006, ad awards, here is a wonderful creative ad which won the grand prix at cannes :
Thursday, April 26, 2007
iinovate blog !! - damn nice
Hey People
Just came across this blog called
you all should check it out.. its a very nice blog made by standford univ students and has live interviews of whos who of the world business like eric schmidt, andy grove and so on.
Enjoy reading
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
back Home :)
I have always have this habbit of surprising my near and dear ones.. so here i am.. back in Kolkata.. home sweet home (trust me... wherever you go.. however big you are... there is nothing.. absolutely NOTHING like home !!)... all my friends thought i am coming tommorow.. but gave them a good surprise :)
So.. one chapter closed.. another begins.. now its time for some reality check.. hard work.. putting the future into place.. research for internships.. !!.. work on bplans.. make it big..hmmm..lots to do !!.. but i need to remember the movie CLICK.. its an awesome take on people like me who are so workoholic !
Cheers till the next post
Sunday, April 22, 2007
tHe mUmBaI XP - Chilling out !!
Heylooooooooooooooooooo frm Aamchi Mumbai ( may actually become AAMchi - meaning Ours ~!!)
As you must have gussed it.. its been a very chillin few days out here in the city that never sleeps !!..... everytime i come to this city.. it seems the time spent is less.. as there is so much to see, do, learn, implement, etc etc... that one can never get full out this mumbai nagaria !!..
Anyways...I hav been roaming around da whole city since the last two days.... went to Lamington Road, to exchange some dud DVDs which i bought which refuse to run on my comp.. but it did run on the DVD player of the shopkeeper... well.. he only xchanged 1 of them which wasnt runnin and refused to do anythin with the remainin ones.. one peculiarity of a lot of mumbaites are that they dont hav time.. and smetimes they are really Rude and Too Practical.. !!.. anyways... the day was filled with Train Rides !!>. frm Churchgate to Grant Road,,, frm Grant Road to Bandra ( nearly fell of the train !!), Bandra to Boriwali ... bt thts the way you SHOULD travel in mumbai to experience the real mumbai.. rather than hondas and corrolas !!
Met up with Siddhant !!(sids) after a long time.. he is my pal frm cal who is now working with Morgan Stanley in the IB dept.. gr8 guy to hangaround with.. so we went to crossword and spent almost 2 hrs talkin abt random stuff !!, girls, relationships, career, google, books, movies,girls again, girls !!... after which i went to bandra to meet Smriti Modi... a very sweet little fren who is originally frm mumbai bt ws in cal fr her grads and ws also in AIESEC... again.. we caught up.. discussed a lot of stuff abt career.. mumbai... boys and girls !... her frens.. etc... had food at Bombay Blues.. and again 2 hrs gone !>.. shopped at linkin road... and rushed of to boriwali ~~... in a virar fast local.. where ppl refuse to let ppl get down at boriwali..but the stubborn guy i am.. i made my way out !!..
Toda was again a family outing with Uncle, Aunt, Cousin and mom... went to a no of malls.. its nt even funny the no of malls this city has.. and the no of malls cmin up !!... trust me... if i am given a choice i will become an infrastructure builder and open a real estate co and replicate sme of the big malls in cal.. and earn a lot of money. imagine.. rahul saraf buit forum.. a chutku mall.. compared to the ones in mumbai.. and bcame world famous in call and earned tons of money !!... woooho.....
went to Hiranandani.. awesome place. its like going abroad.. tall skyscrapers.. amazin scenery.... go cartin.. rock climbib. very nice place !!>. i did rock climbin.. and Almost reached the top of the rock.. cudnt complete it :(...
Anyways... was good fun going around the city and learned a lot jus frm observin.. wil pen down my thoughts when i write the last post fr mumbai xp.. til then... keep watchin the world thru MY eyes !!
Friday, April 20, 2007
tHe mUmBai XP - shopping and more!!
Helloooooooo from Hot and Humid Mumbai !!
Well another day just flew by.... and.. you can just feel the pace here.. its so fast.. you never know when a day passes by..!.. anyways.. here is a short xp sharing fr the say..
Went to this cousin Mamas place in Napean Sea Road.. who is my mom's first cousin.. they were very very nice.. was wondering y didnt i meet them b4... but mami (aunt) and mama (uncle) were very friendly and not like usual cousins !!.. anyways.. after lunch we went around the city.. (me, mami and mom).. i bought 4 DVDs for 50 Each, and in total of 22 movies !!( avg of 5 movies per dvd) .. now thats what you call a wholesale deal !!...
After which we went to this nice place called Phoenix Mills High Street... its a simple high street concept of branded stores, pantaloons, lifestyle, MCD,
Dominos, Big bazaar etc etc.. bought a trouser and picked up food at MCD.. well.. my general impression is that the retail outlook is almot same now in all metros.. this place was quite similar to City Center.. ofcourse the Pantaloons was much bigger here.. but almost the same collection and prize...
anyways.. i picked up this book called : It happened in India - an autobiography by Kishor Biyani.. the founder of Pantaloons... at 99 bucks its a good read.. (just started).. its about how a small time entrepreneur made it big !!.. will be interesting...
Anyways... came back.. and read the Dhirubhai Ambani - the man i knew - book written by Kokila Ambani.. man.. this guy dreamt big and had the guts as all of us know.. but there are only a few things i like about Dhirubhai.. not everything.. and this book was a drag.. the same things repeated again and again and again.. !!.. it was like a flashback only.. nothing else....
I return to kolkata next wednesday and the weekend will be fun.. will chill with Sid, Priya and deepu.. if they are free and then with my cousins in boriwali. .. it will b nice fun b4 goin back to good ol borin kolkata !!
And... here is a glimpse of the invite sent to special people fr Mukesh Ambanis 50th birthday... :)
cheers till then
Quiz on me !!.. Nikuiz - the battle
Hey Guys
Just found out this real interestesting stuff where you can Quiz your friends about yourself to test how much do they know you and to make them know you better..
Try it out for me.. best of luck
Thursday, April 19, 2007
tHe mUmBai XP - News :)
Breaking News : I went to the doctor finally today and he said ' no laser therapy needed as of now... it dos not hurt you yet.. why do you wanna hurt it right now ~!!... let da docs say what they want to.. take my advice.. dont go for any operation.."
The Bottom Line : I am not having an operation (laser therapy) of the eye done at the moment.. so its relief.. !!(or maybe not..) for sometime now..
Well... its a tricky situation... the situation inside my eye... is not that good.. its called retinal degeneration or lattice degeneration.. where the retina gets affected badly due to less blood supply and there are holes.... and .. there is no such cure for it.. the laser therapy also jus seals the portion but... it cant prevent more occurances.. and all of this can lead to retinal detachment.. so if i get it done or not.. it dsent matter.. the damange has been done.. but better safe than sorry.. so no touchin the eye rite now...
so... thats all what happened toda... went to Reliance Center in ballard estate to pick up the RIL doc. and then to wadala to meet Mr Natarajan.. who i met after 4 - 5hrs.. or eye drops and ipod... and he said that dnt hav an operation !!.. so now i am free as a bird in mumbai.. so my meetin up with people starts tommorow.. and hopefully i will hav stories to tell and pics to show..
till then
" its the eye of the tiger.. its the cream of the fight !! "
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
birth, death, marriage.. and a lot more..... thts life !!
gooooooood mooooooooorrrrrrrrnin people...
A big hi from bright and sunny Mumbai :)... so todays edition of tHe mUmbAi XP will be released later in the day with better pics, and a lot of coverage of the city..
Anyways... was going through the papers and the subject of this post and the stories i read in the papers today, defines life to me !!..
1. Mr Mukesh Ambani - CMD, RIL, Celebrates his 50th Birthday ! - yea, and that too in grand style celebrations in the Jamnagar Refinery, and his wife has organised a small, family oriented party... where a biopic on Mr Ambani's life will be screened, directed by Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra (RDB)... they sent special invites to the close family members... ( i saw one yesterday sent to masi... very well made.. blue colour... wil try and get a snap and upload it)... so heres wishing the 13th richest man in the world. a very happy birthday.. and may you create more wealth and opportunity for a lot of people !!
2. Abhiash !! - the media everywhere is just talking about Mr Abhishekh Bachchan's marriage with Ms Aishwarya Rai... the two most eligible unmarried people in india.. !!... there are reports of their sangeet and build up to their marriage... crores of rs hav already been spent collectively i guess to execute the marriage and publish it... !!... cabbies and rikshaw waalas are gaining here as a lot of people are visiting the place just to get a glimpse of the couple and the celebs... Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan danced on Kabhie Kabhie last nite.. (wish i could be there too...hehe)... anyways... wishing them a happy married life and a lot of good looking kids..
3. Minal Panchal Declared Dead - now comes the tragic part of life.. the mumbai girl Minal Panchal.. who studied in Virginia Tech Univertisty was finally declared dead when her body was identified .. what a loss of life of an innocent girl.. who wanted to pursue her dreams... My heart goes out to those 30 odd students who died.. and it reaffirms by belief that nothing is secure and safe in life.. and there is no point just building the future everytime.. you need to live the present.. as anything can happen to anyone !!.. just checked her Orkut profile.. and god.. hundreads of people praying that her soul rests in peace and scrapping her... i hope she reads it somewhere up there.. even i put a simple post.. and its not her.. even the people on her frens list gettin scrapped.. thts humanity for u !!...
4. 6 month old foetus found in a dustbin in mumbai : have no words for this kind of act.. i just hope the people who did it.. realise that what would have happened if the same stuff took place with them and their parents would have dropped them unborn in a dustbin !!.. i mean if you have the guts to have sex... then have the guts to carry the baby.. or dont do the mistake.. !!.. highly disturbing.. and i know only writing on a blog wont stop this.. but we all should take steps.. only to educate people.. as i guess education and the right approach will only solve the prob.. nothing else...
5. Web 2.0 not growing !!: well.. its the techie side of things... web 2.0 ( its the name for content on the internet where people can create their own content like youtube, flikr, blogging etc), is not growing at a very high rate... people as usual are more interested in viewing videos and reading blogs. than actually creating them!! (the coutch potatoes that they are.... )... only.016 % of people who visit youtube actually upload videos ( i am in that group.. yipppiee).. but i think as net penetration grows web 2.0 will also grow.. and it has immense scope of e commerce and online advertising!!
anyways... thanks fr reading this long post.. and i shall be back at the end of the day with tHe mUmBai XP... so keep reading.
urs in mumbai
tHe mUmBai XP - drive | exibition | timepass !!
so .. this is part 1.. my 1st day in mumbai is over.. and it wasnt anythin unusual.. or excitin !!... first and foremost... my appo with the doc got cancelled.. as he is out of station.. and it will happen tommorow... so the wait it still on...
anyways.. coming back to the story.. Mumbai... the city of dreams... glamour... money.. riches.. !!... and also.. the city of people aspiring to achieve their dreams.. the hard workers...... the poor... and the ones who make the rich and famous.. more rich and more famous...
As its definately there in any place on earth... but mumbai just smells ( good or bad is upto you to decide) of money, and the desire for it..... everywhere... and dnt get me wrong.. i am not saying its bad or good.. fr me its 90% good.. as with money comes a lot of things.. the motivation to do new things.. to work hard.. to accomplish dreams.. etc etc.. but i love the pace of the city... i kno.. ppl crib abt it.. and will tell me tht boss.. u have nt stayed on in mumbai fr more than a week,... so dnt put heroic comments on ur so called blog. !.. but wait... thts again my perception.. which may or may not change... but i love the fact tht there are so many things tht people want to do.. and ther is less time !!.. i mean .. the demand supply situation of time and work is reverse !!.. back home.. people have more time and no work.. here.. (as it should be), there is no time and more work... i think thts y people strive hard and achieve.. and its a chain reaction.. and it attracts more people to come to this place..
anyways... as i said.. i had nthin to do the whole day... so got the news that CHEMSPEC 2007 - an exibition on Specialities Chemicals is happenin in Goregaon... so decided to visit that.. and mom went to masis house in boriwali... well... again.. the 'becoming spoilt' phase has started.. as i said.. so sat in the accord.. and got dropped at goregaon...
on the way.. i was glued to my ipod... the cchhooo chwweeeet thing... and almost switched over all my songs once.. hehe.... anyways.. and there was also a lot of videos which i took ( will compile them and upload on youtube), ...and reached the exibition.
It was the usual fair with stalls.. and a lot of greeek written in all of them ( as i understand nthin but my own business of chemicals.. thts it), and there ws little scope fr us in the fair.. it ws there if we were lookin fr new suppliers.. but tht is nt my competence rite now.. so i jus strolled in the fair fr 2 hrs.. and observed hw people interact.. hw they sell..hw they purchase... hw the whole mechanism wrks !.. its competitive fr sure.. man 90% of chem traders are gujjus !!... nice nice...
after roaming in chemspec with ketul and uncle (cousins), boarded the car and again a loooooong drive to borivali... again ms ipod ws kissin the ears (cchhooo chweeet she is :) )... and after a brief stay in borivali.. back to walkeshwar.. after a 2.5 hr drive..
One thing in mumbai which i hav noticed in my 5 - 6 visits.. is half the time is spent travelling in this city as its huge !!.. and long.............. .. but i dnt complain.. luv looong drives anyways.... (jus tht i am not allowed to drive here :(
anyways.. tht was a boaring day... and a boaring start to the mumbai xp.. ( i wanted it better).. so hope to give u guys some good news tommorow.. after meetin the doc.. and hav decided to meet a lot of long lost frens here.. so watch out fr some fun stuff :)
leaving you guys with a hazy pic of a part of the diamond necklace... marine drive!!..
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
tHe mUmBai XP - Intro
Hey !!
Well here is my take at story telling and info sharing... and again.. fulfulling my 1st resolution.. (fr ppl who hav read my prev posts).. of keepin this small little place alive.. !!
tHe mUmBai Xp.. is nothing but a short little xpereince sharing of my stay in mumbai.. and fr those who havent been to this place... you can watch mumbai frm my and my cams eyes !!...
I shall provide you with my personal reflections on the city.. its people.. my adventures (if there are any), and some daily small updates.. and ofcourse.. in true nik style.. some pics and vids of this wonderful and fascinating city..
Pleasure.... in my hand !!
As promised.. this is the chhoo cchweeet post of mine...
Introducing to you (and not boasting at all).. my cutest and newest possession....
the stuff that puts pleasure to your brain, hand, and every part of your body..
trust me people.. this cute little stuff is so cute,. and thin.. its an amazing stuff to carry !!.. and show off :).. hehe
This is a 1gb shuffle.... and comes at a good price of arond 5.2 - 5.4 K... and its damn nice.. the sound quality lives upto the Ipod standard.. and wht else do u need.. it can store enough songs fr u to survive fr 3 - 4 days.. or more... and its better than carrying a huge, video or the normal ipod tht costs a lot more !!... this guy at the airport was listenin to a video ipod.. the huge one.. and he got a complex when he saw me listenin to this cutie pie :)..
anyways.. so now my travel schedules will be filled with a lot of pleasure.. pleasure of music and apple !!
on da move !!
hey guys
before writing anything.. will take some resolutions !! (bengali new yr jus went by.. so not too late !)
1. will update my blog more 'regularly'
2. will loose atleast 5 kgs in the nest 15 days.. (tough.. )
3. will finish all 'pending.. ever pending work !!
4. find an internship abroad soon.. ( need it badly !!)
well.. hi again... nw to atleast start fulfulling the first resolution part.. i am on the move... !!.. currently in Mumbai.. for this eye therapy.. and its a relief.. to be in another city after a loooooooong time... its nt tht i dnt like cal.. but.. i luv travellin.. and mumbai is one of my fav cities (nt tht i hav visited n number of cities b4 !!)
well.. as per my 'on the move' status.. its mumbai rite now.. and if u r in mumbai.. u hav to b on da move everytime !!... more abt mumbai in my new 'series' : tHe mUmbAi xP.. coming up after this post..
after mumbai i go back to aamar kolkata.. and then if the doc permits will be off to EYLN conference in Malaysia as a Facilitator.. its an AIESEC Conference on Entrepreneruship.. and given my ' ambitious' interest in the topic.. its gonna be a good fun and learning xp..
anyways.. cant wait to put my next post.. which is chho chwweet..so hang on !!
take care