Check out all my EYLN Pics of Malaysia at :
Do Comment :)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
All Pics - Malaysia
10 - MindTalk :)
Just got this mail today from Yousuf regarding AIESEC Alumni Association, and they are starting a newsletter, and they want people to write random stuff, but meaningful, and was wondering if I can write at all!!... i mean, i have never read a book in my life, never written stuff, actually this blog is the first time i am actually 'pening down my thoughts'.. so lets c how far i go.
Well, this post is dedicated to 'MidTalk' where, i shall reveal whatever 10 things come to my mind right now, dunno how it will interest people, but anyways, here it goes:
1. Google OR Internship OR ??? - Career Career Career..... Hope I get a good opportunity !!
2. Waiting for my new macbook to arrive, cant wait to work on a new machine, new OS :)
3. Want a Holiday Again !!... wanna go off to a far off place, alone or with friends, just to chill, not to blow a lot of money though :)
4. Want to start reading books ! - have two to start with - The World is Flat and IT Happened in India - Kishore Biyani.
5. Want to explore new things, virtually, generally in the world etc.. you know, dont wanna do the same old stuff, so the search will begin for new ideas, new knowledge etc etc
6. Watch a few more movies..... Have to get hold of my DvDs
7. Implement more of Pranic Healing, of what i have learnt to heal more people
8. Develop a better taste of music, and listen to more songs
9. Develop an innovative and 'cool' business idea :)
10. Slim Down, Be more Fit, !!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
GetAMac Ads
Hey Guys
Well my Extra Technical Affair (whatever that means) with Macbook and the mac family !!.. After Sudipto and Swati has got their respective macbooks, i cant even think of buying any other machine, its so nice, and all that hoopla about it not workin with softwares and it not being user friendly is all crap, its a damn sophisticated and nice machine.
Anyways, check out these ads man... i mean this is 7.5 minutes of creativity, and aggression, whatever ppl feel, Apple have the guts to give say it on the face of Mircosoft that they are better than microsoft.
Anyways, enjoy the video...
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Learning the art of healing - Pranic Healing !
Hello People.
Well, lot of the people who know me knows that i was always spiritually and religiously inclined, as it gives me a sense of energy, relief and inner satisfaction. I have always been open to learning new things which can improve my life and the lives of others around me.
Last sunday, i came across this opportunity to Learn - Pranic Healing in Mandir. Our guru told us to learn it from someone, as it can be beneficial for the long term for health etc etc. So i said its in the evening, and just for 3 - 4 days, so i can give it a shot!.
I started learning it yesterday, and its been pretty good so far, Its basically the art of No touch, No Drug, healing, where we can heal someones body (disease, wounds, stress, problems), through cleaning and energising the ENERGY BODY. The concept is simple. We have two kinds of bodies, the physical body and the energy body. Pranic Healing deals with the Energy Body, because, its believed that Inner Strength and Immunity comes from the type of energy you posses, and pranic healing, cleans the BAD and Negative energy and provides a medium of transfer of positive and healthy energy from one person to another , without touching.
Well, i kindof tried it on my aunt in the morning, as she was having some kind of a leg pain. And after following the steps, her pain was gone !!.. i was shocked, but yea, its true.. it went away!... lets c what i learn more and i would keep you posted
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Reason - The Truth
Hey people
Was just listening to this song, and i know this is a favourite of a lot of people around the world, the lyrics and the meaning is so so true... A lot of us are in relationships but do not understand the true value of relationships around us, it maybe ur GF, Family, Friends, anyone, this song gives it a true Reason, that we exist for them..... Enjoy the song !!
'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's why I need you to hear
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you (x4)
I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Goin MAD on MAC
I think it comes naturally for "brand youth" of today to go bananas on computers and laptops and for that matter any techie stuff... the world is becoming so Tech Dependent Day by Day, that previously people used to go mad and beserk buying or even thinking to buy a nice TV, Shirt, Holiday ticket etc, but nowadays, it IPOD, Laptops, Software etc etc
Well, me, sudipto, siddharth and Swati just went to check out the new Apple Imagine store in SaltLake, as i had to check the MAC, as my dads fren is coming from the US in June and i plan to buy one as its damn cheap out there.. compared to India, and a MAC is a MAC... no comparison to it,, the looks, the OS, the performance, and the BRAND attraction is tremendous !!... We checked the Apple site Today and they came out with a higher version of MAC with 2.16 Ghz, 160 GB HD, 1 GB Ram... at 63000 Rs !!... awesome price but in US
Now.. we step into this Apple Imagine Store in City Center.. and was jus checkin out some laptops.. and wohhhhhhhaaaaaaaa.. we see the 'inaugral offer' prices for the macbook and we all get SHOCKED !!...
The 1.83 ghz,512mb ram, 60gb hd Macbook(white) whose Indian MRP is 67000, we get for 53400 Only !!...
The 2.0 ghz , 1 gb ram, 80 gb hdd (white macbook), mrp at 77800 we get for 61800 only !!
the 2.0 ghz , 1 gb ram, 120 gb hdd (BLACK) mrp at 87600 at 63900 only !!
Believe it or not.. its an awesome price... these are at par with US prices(almost !!) and sudipto and swati are buying them instantly!!
I mean this is the real power of BRANDS and Marketing, there was no advert for this, and by just looking at the offer two people who were almost buying HP and Vaio switched to MAC, just because of price and the superiority of the machine !!
For me.. its still a long wait. !!.. i still would buy from US, as i get a more better machine at a better rate!!
Go APPLE.. its just not getting out of our heads yet !!
Monday, May 14, 2007
GE Session On Leadership - Roshan Thiran - EYLN Malaysia
Leadership Session by Roshan Thiran : General Electric Malaysia :
It was definately the best session that you can start a conference on Entrepreneurship with. I mean without the essence of leadership, entrepreneurship of any form, would be without a soul, leadership drives every organisation, small, medium, huge, gigantic, start ups, MNCs, you name it and leadership is to the core of its success story. Roshan Thiran has been working in GE for a long time now, and he remphasised the importance of Expertising in Everything, according to him, a Leader cannot be a specialist, he has to be the guy who drives the marketing, finance, hr , it , etc functions in an organisation, and a good leader can only be made if he expertises in everything that he puts hand into !!.. he gave personal examples of how he turned around the aircraft reparing business of GE Malaysia and was then head of the team to solve the y2K bug ,inspite of having no experience in IT !!!
Leaders do change organisations and people, but the essence according to Roshan was to Change Yourself First... he gave one of the best examples of Jack Welch : How Leaders never stop Learning and Changing themselves....
Jack Welch had almost a year left for retirement, and he was never considered to be IT savvy at all, he hated the internet and computers and thats why at that point of time, GE didnt have any big time investments in IT. One day he saw his wife buying something on the internet, and he was thrilled, as the product arrived a day after to his house, all of a sudden he had the brainwave of learning everything about IT and the internet and wanted to transform GE to be very efficient in IT. Lot of people told him that it was just his last year of retirement and he could have left it to his successor to solve this problem, but Jack Welch put the onus on himself and at that age, learnt everything about IT and internet and now GE has a lot of investments in IT related areas.
This is a testimony of a true leader and how leaders first change themselves, always keep learning and then take active part in transforming others and their own organisations !!..
Friday, May 11, 2007
So it begins !!
HIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Everyone...
Welll really really sorry for the ddeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllaaaayyyyyy (delay :) ) in posting my xp, as after you read the next posts which will flow, you will know i had No Time to log in and blog... but ya, i wrote down everything i wanted to write.. .. its my last night in Singapore !!!!
So, Flashback time... lets go to 7th of May 2007 - 1st day of EYLN Conference !!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good Morning : Well, its strange to get up at a place you have never been before, all alone, and when you know no one out there, apart from a few people! (read 1), but it was a good morning, the weather was so so better, it was raining, and i was watching the rains in another part of the world, and it looked quited beautiful, cos i hav already said the view from my room was breathtaking with small mountains, greenary all around, the unverisity UKM
looked more like a holiday destination then a university, so clean, quiet,
serene, I would love to study here anyday !!.. anyways, so i was a little
apprehensive of the start, and had no idea what the next 3 days had in store
for me.
Meeting the Facis Again: Well picture this : 11 Individuals, from 6
different nationalities, teaming up to deliver a conference on
entrepreneurship!! If someone told you the world is now about
Globalisation, and AIESEC was a platform where youth from different parts
of the world can come together and work as a team... it was so true in this
case, I had been to an International conference before and seen people from 90 different countries work, discuss, have fun together, but this was my first hand expereince of working with such wonderful people!.. So down to earth and so mature were all of us, each of us had different backgrounds, in terms
of everything!!... the initial jitters and uneasyness was over is minutes and now we all felt like pals who have met after a loooong time and chilling together and brainstorming the conference and its flow... its an amazing feeling discussing world cricket with an Australian - Jeff, we discussed how badly india played and how unlucky we were, and the secrets of success of Australian Cricket, how they follow and take the game!!... more on facis and our discussions will be written later!!... but.. all in all.. it is a great great team..
Opening Plen: Well, was waiting for this since 2 days now, finally the conference begins!!... it was so good to be back at an AIESEC Conference, but this time, all the delegates were Not AIESECers, there were maximum Non - Aiesecers in the plen, so that made the job more challenging as they didnt know how we work, and didnt share the same wavelenght. It started with a round of introductions from all facis, and it was nice to hear the applause for the only Indian to come there only for the conference (me ofcourse:) ), total delegates were 150 and max from Malaysian universities, some from Hong Kong, Singapore etc. the Plen venue was also amazing, it was one of their lecture cum seminar halls, but wow it was better than any auditorium in kolkata !!...
Well this is just the start... watch out for more posts on the whole conference and then - Amazing and Unique Singapore !!
Friday, May 4, 2007
Truly Malaysia - EYLN - The XP !!
" A Long Journey Starts with a single Step, a step forward, a step in the right direction, a step towards the destination "
I dont know how much sense does this make to you, but it does to me, i have embarked on a journey of rediscovering myself, and to do what i always loved to do, TRAVEL !!... all by my own.... to lands never visited before, to meet people never met before, and to gain invaluable experiences that would for sure have a binding efect on my personality and future.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls (True SRK Style :) ), welcome to the adventure that would leave you excited, astonished, happy and a lot of mixed emotions (hopefully :) )
The Delay in getting the passport : It started of shakily as my passport arrived at 12 midnight and i had a plane to catch at 2, so we were waiting at the jet airways cargo division to collect the passport, and it was nice of the travel agent to have arranged that in the last moment, so all anxious moments were over and I was about the begin my hyped up, awaited, Trip to Malaysia and Singapore, 1st time not for a holiday, but for a conference and work !!
The Tiring Journey: yeah it was tiring, i had planned that i will play cricket on board, sort out those case studies, listen to music, but cudnt do all of them. the Flight was smooth, but i guess the emotions of the farewell got to me, and i was feeling damn tired, was constantly listening to my cutie pie :), but after the food got off to sleep, stupid THai Airways dosent even have a movie viewing screen like Singapore Airlines !!... so got bored.. The wait at the Bangkok airport was tooo much, i touched down bangkok at 5AM and my flight was at 9 ~!... 4 hrs loooong wait.... so did TP for an hour, roamed about these looooooooooong and neverrrrrrrrrrr ending modern hi tech airports !!... man... i know people who have been abroad will agree with
me but these are like H U G E airports, all of them , KL, BKK, and SIngapore, more a shopping mall , entertainment center and less an airport. Anyways, slept at the airpot too and finally got
onto the plane. So now the food menance starts and the veg food on flight is yukkkk it smells of chicken all over, so i prefer to have a Coke instead and try to sleep.
The Arrival and Reception: Well, fianally i touched down KL at 12 PM and boarded the KIA Train to the city, look at these pics to believe what a beautiful coutryside it has and the state of the art airports !!.. As promised Thivina was there to recieve me at the station with Daniel , her successor, they were very very sweet, and recieved me well,
Daniel and Thivina - Perfect Hosts :)
i got my KL - Sin tickets done, and spoke throught the journey about AIESEC, Malaysia, India, Student life etc etc. God, AIESEC is
so similar everywhere, you cant get a more global and MNC type org than this.. trust me !!
THivina drove me to my house and i met Boye, the OCVP Logistics, and got to see my room, sm
all but nice, the only problem is its on teh top floor, without lifts, 5 floors and it has no attached bathroom. But such are ways to learn and come out from luxury and adapt.. i am loving each and every moment of this !!.. Right now chilling in my room, will play cricket for sometime, and then go out to chill with Thivina and the others, have Faci meet in the night, so looking forward for work to kick start !! Will keep you guys posted with pics, vids and much more..
This is just the start !
Do comment
Yours in Malaysia !!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
all my bags are packed....
... am almost ready to go.......
Where : Malaysia and Singapore !!
For What : not a holiday..... this time.. it work... !!...
Malaysia :
EYLN Conference... (Entrepreneurship and Youth Learning Network) Organised by AIESEC Malaysia, as a facilitator, its a damn cool conference on Entrepreneurship and how youth can become entrepreneurs, so i have to guide a set of students on workshops and cases, and there will also be a lot of lectures by malaysian entrepreneurs and the BIG one, i will be working on a team with
GE(general electric malaysia !!). The case studies ahve arrived and they are brilliant !!.. One on Google(finance), Netflix and (strategy and feasibility). Should be an AMAZING experience of learning, fun, and a lot of networking !!
The conference is from 5 - 7 May, at the University of Malaysia !!
More info :
Singapore : Well this time its a litle bit of shopping and a lot of work(hopefully), will have to meet some companies in the Johor region and try and strike some kind of initial relationship to import some products for the family business of chemicals, so a good hands on experience of meeting international companies!!
So, seems like a jam packed and action packed 1 week !!.. will keep you posted with pics, and videos !!